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Friday 28 November 2014

Initial Ideas for the Main Task

We started to talk about the ideas we had for our main task.
We kind of like the idea of killing Andreas off so we stuck with that but then we thought "what if someone were to witness the murder?"
Then that kind of spun off into a plot about trying to solve which is reality and which is fiction, because the murderers all wear masks to disguise themselves, and they could just be a figment of the main character's imagination, posing the question to the audience "is he insane or not?"
We wanted to keep the film both in content and in lighting so we decided to use the evenings (which are not really late during the winter) to keep the atmosphere which is needed for an effective thriller movie.
Our age rating is aimed at being a 15+ so our content can't be too over-the-top but we weren't planning being too visually gory and contain much explicit language or any erotic content.
We did consider using the horse mask for a time but this turned out to sound more like a comedy than a thriller, and because comedy thrillers don't exist, we couldn't continue with the idea.
The masks caused a few problems in other areas as well. Because the horse mask would be too comical we decided on the mask from "V for Vendetta", but as it turns out these masks are slightly under copyright issue and because we cannot use copyrighted content in our film we were advised not to use them.
We also considered the concept of a spy/action thriller that would we would try to film in school and try to make it look a little like an official spy building but this was deemed a little too impossible seeing as the corridor walls are littered with Shakespeare and Pythagoras Theorum.
In the end our plan was just to try and expand on  our preliminary task by making it more open with more time an use the skills we tried to use before to better effect now that we have the experience with the equipment.

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