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Thursday 4 December 2014

Location Scouting

Today we went to the location that we are recording our thriller opening. It was an old car park that seems abandoned and overgrown. As it is quite desolate, we thought it was a great place to film our thriller.

We took some shots around the area to get a feel for the area and the types of shots that would be effective. Here we have Max and Andreas in shot, Max clearly not happy at Andreas as he is walking off.

We also found a puddle, in which we got a reflection of Max in. This is a concept we are thinking about using in our thriller, and was helpful to see it was a possibility.

As per usual when we work together, some funny shots were taken; a group photo of us at the site trying to look serious, (some trying more than others), and me and Max looking at a type of plant common around the area.

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