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Friday 12 September 2014

Starting my blog.

Welcome to this blog and I hope you will stick around.

I have always enjoyed the idea  of media and wish to learn more, even while in primary school using a simple camera to make videos. I may have not looked into television as much as I would think is necessary for the course, I will happily start again to improve my potential grades.

I spend a lot of my time watching YouTube, and enjoy the content that people put out. I have tried it myself, and am ok with the content I have produced. It also allows me to understand what they do because, while I may not want to do it full-time, it is something that allows me to relax and enjoy. I understand it may not be easy, but I have always enjoyed putting out content to viewers; even if it is not to many.

I look forward to using and utilising the equipment and software that is available to me to record my Thriller introduction/trailer. In a sense, I also look forward to editing to see the challenging side to the course and hopefully experiment the ways I can accomplish the seemingly difficult areas of Media.

I enjoy what has been presented to me at this point, being my third lesson by this point, and wish to continue very much so.

I hope you will enjoy reading this blog as much as I am writing it. I have wished to do something like this for a while now, and glad that Media has given me this opportunity.

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