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Tuesday 7 October 2014

Post-production analysis of Utopia

In Utopia, they wanted to make the program look more like a comic book, as they plot represents. The idea was to change the colour tint. They needed to do so using post-production. Post-production allowed the creators of the series to change the general colours of the scenes by changing the main colours. This was important as they could then change the images the way they wanted them to be portrayed on screen.

Post-production is important as it allows edits after the footage is filmed to improve and create a piece to a higher standard. This can be done through editing, such as the way shots flow and changing the colours. Not all of the effects to engage a viewer can be done with raw footage, and can be improved on afterwards. It also gives time for editors to analyse the footage they have shot, and how the effects they add in post-production can add detail and improve the overall product.

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