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Wednesday 8 October 2014

Preliminary task

In the preliminary task, I need to make a short film of a character walking down a corridor, walking through a door, and speaking with another character. This must also include a shot/reverse shot, use the 180 degree rule and uses match on action.
To perform this task, I will be working in a group of three people. We will work together, and utilise the equipment supplied by the school to achieve this. There are other softwares we have access to, such as Premier Pro.
Shot/reverse shot will be done when the characters are sitting across from each other. It is important that the 180 degree rule isn't broken as it wouldn't appear the characters are across from each other. This rule makes it so the camera does not move more than 180 degrees from each shot of two characters speaking.Match on action is a form of continuity editing. This is used to make a scene seem all set in one scene. This is done by actors wearing the same clothing, same sort of hairstyle, and facial hair style. This is an illusion created to make the viewer believe it was all make set in one time.
In this piece, I have included the original storyboard of our production. This is subject to change over time, and is not final.Updates will be shown in the future, perhaps footage recorded and edits. The final product is due the 17th of October, an analysis of it due the week after.

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