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Sunday 4 January 2015

Editing analysis of 'Before I Go To Sleep'

In the opening of the film, there was text used for the title. The text was white on black background; commonly associated with thrillers. The text then begins to distort away after a brief period of time; relating to the film with a theme of things being forgotten and drifting away. The style used is mysterious and intriguing as it disappears into smoke; signalling some form of mystery being in the film.

In the opening, there were many eye-line matches used; pro-dominantly of the womans' perspective. The cuts from her eyes to what she looks at are varied in length; some being quick cuts were others take time before the cut is used. The quick cuts are used for dramatic effect, and show the fear of the woman as she has no memory. The longer cuts allow the audience to take in what the woman is looking at. Eye-line matches are often used in thrillers as they induce tension and allow the audience to connect with the characters much easier.

Finally, there was use of a shaky camera on purpose. This was done when the woman moves from the bed into the other room. The camera shake was done to induce tension and a sense of fear as the woman was confused about the situation. The woman moves fairly quickly; the camera following shakily to represent the feelings of the woman at the time.

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