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Sunday 4 January 2015


We have worked on a storyboard for our thriller opening. This is our storyboard at the moment, but subject to change as we have not completely decided on some shots and the weapon as of yet, but things will remain mostly the same.
Side 1: We used a variety of shots the show the scenery and the murder taking place, such as a wide shot of the scene, a two-shot of the characters, and an over the shoulder shot to make the audience believe someone is behind the victim. The two-shot shows the binary opposites between the characters.
Side 2: This has the victim on the floor crawling away, and looking inferior to the killer. This is done by multiple shots, such as a low-angle shots. The victim crawls pass the camera to show how slow they walk, and the killer walks slowly as a cliché to kill the victim. The over-the-shoulder shot shows the height difference between the characters.
Side 3: In this scene the witness (protagonist) has seen the murder take place and the murderer looks at his own reflection and the notices the witness in which he turns to and then it ends to insinuate that this isn't the only murder to happen or that the murderer is going to get caught. In the last two boxes, we use a shot/reverse shot to show the emotion on both the murderers face and the witnesses face and the next action they are going to take.

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